S&S/Bosch SAC00 LB7 Duramax injectors
Here's a great article, and video, on the benefits of SAC00™ injectors, and why they cost a little more than stock VCO replacements. There's also another benefit that is not mentioned in the video. S&S Diesel Motorsport SAC00™ injectors are an S&S/Bosch exclusive, and are ONLY available through S&S Dealers.
S&S Diesel Motorsport, nestled quietly in rural Indiana, has developed some of the most inventive diesel fuel injection components on the market, both for the racing and performance industry and elsewhere. Among its specialities are its common rail fuel injectors, which have allowed its customers to push their power output and performance to ever-greater heights.
Common rail, for the uninitiated, is in its most simple terms a fuel injection system wherein fuel is supplied to a single distribution rail, at a rate fully independent of engine load or RPM. Within the rail — or along the system, is a fuel pressure regulator valve. This setup allows fuel pressure to be 1500-2500 psi at startup and upwards of 20,000 psi under full load, again, fully independent of engine speed. The result is a cleaner and more efficient atomization of the fuel and thus, a cleaner burn.
S&S, in providing not only performance solutions, but solutions to common problems, developed an aftermarket injector for the Duramax LB7 engine. The injectors with the LB7 are a known problem area, particularly with the nozzle, allowing for a white smoke, or “hazing” in the exhaust — effectively unburnt hydrocarbons. What S&S has done to alleviate that is take the traditional LB7 injector design, using its hole count, the same spray angle, the same flow rate, and so on, and has partnered with Bosch to outfit it with with a modern, long-lasting nozzle design to its exacting specifications.
Check out the clip to learn more about S&S’s LB7 injectors, and be sure to visit them on the web for everything you may need for your diesel, whether its pulling your rig, or powering your racing rig!
Thanks to Diesel Army for providing content for this blog post!!
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